Thank you for your interest in Battersea Choral Society.
We’d love you to come and give us a go. Feel free to drop in to one of our rehearsals to get a flavour for what we do.
We rehearse every Tuesday, during term time, from 7.30-9.30pm at St John Bosco College, Battersea, under the expert direction of Sam Evans.
If you’d like to get a bit more information before coming along, please fill out the form below
What to expect
We don't hold auditions, but some experience of choral singing is desirable. We expect everyone to be able to read music but not necessarily sight read.
We’re an ambitious choir and aspire to sing a wide spectrum of well-known and lesser-known works throughout the year. Because of this we ask for a degree of commitment from every singer as we work towards producing a great sound for others to enjoy. Please be prepared to learn the music in your own time and to attend the majority of our weekly rehearsals. We also encourage you to attend occasional Saturday workshops, particularly if we’re working with a challenging piece of music.
Occasionally section leaders will also hold separate rehearsals for their sections (Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Basses). These are sociable evening events, giving you a chance to improve your singing over a light supper and a glass of wine.